The Times They Are a-Changin’… also in Italy

Sep 26, 2013 930

The Times They Are a-Changin'... also in Italy, thanks of a new generation of startuppers who don't wait anymore for something/somebody else, but take their own destiny in their hands. So said Riccardo Luna - (first from right in the photo) the founder of and author of "Cambiamo tutto! Let's change everything! The revolution of innovators" (Laterza, 2013) – yesterday at the discussion about tech communities in Italy and in New York, which took place at the Italian Cultural Institute (ICI) in New York.

The event was organized by the Italian Scientists and Scholars in North America Foundation (ISSNAF)'s co-chair Riccardo Lattanzi, who is assistant professor at the New York University School of Medicine (second from left in the photo).

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