Art of and by Ferlinghetti in 2 shows for his 100th birthday

Mar 18, 2019 1161

BY: Sam Whiting

Two things Lawrence Ferlinghetti has done in abundance — besides writing poetry — is paint and pose for pictures. And there are enough of each to fill a gallery. To that end, in honor of the North Beach bard’s 100th birthday on March 24, Rena Bransten Gallery is showing the paintings of Ferlinghetti, and Canessa Gallery is showing pictures of Ferlinghetti.

The 27 images at Canessa, mostly black-and-whites of Ferlinghetti reciting and entertaining in San Francisco and abroad, were pulled from the archives  at City Lights Booksellers & Publishers and are currently on view. Newly framed, they hang on brick walls in a single room, forming “Ferlinghetti in Photographs.”

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