Groundbreaking Ceremony for Little Italy Cultural Center & Museum!!

Nov 26, 2020 999

After year's of fundraising and getting our plans approved by the City of San Jose, Little Italy was excited to host two separate small social-distancing ceremonies to celebrate the Ground Breaking of our Italian Cultural Center & Museum. 

On hand were In-Kind and monetary donors such as Mayor Liccardo and Councilmember Raul Peralez from the city of San Jose, John A. Sobrato, Helen Marchese Owen, Rob DiNapoli, Michael Mulcahy, Chris Marchese, Salvatore Caruso and representatives from Devcon Construction, A1 Heating & Cooling and Method 42 Productions. 

Want to thank our hardworking Little Italy Board Members and all the donors who are contributing to make this project a reality.  There is a lot of work to do over the next six months are we are excited to begin the transformation.

SOURCE: Little Italy San Jose

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