A Real Boy: The Many Lives of Pinocchio explores the cultural origins, adaptations, and enduring appeal of one of the most popular characters in children’s literature. Written in 1883 by Italian author Carlo Collodi, The Adventures of Pinocchio has delighted generations and occupies a revered place in the canon of children’s literature. The book has been translated into over 260 languages—a number exceeded only by the Bible.
This original exhibition explores Collodi’s work and its biblical, literary, and historic influences. A Real Boy also examines Pinocchio’s ascent to the status of cultural icon and his enduring appeal in the postmodern era.
Calling all Pinocchio fans - our new exhibit opens this November! Click here and send an email to the Italian American Museum of Los Angeles if you have an item you'd like to loan.
SOURCE: Italian American Museum of Los Angeles
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