In the Art of Laguna: Artist Giorgio Dimichina

Aug 17, 2014 607

by Gaya Linn

In its heyday, Laguna Beach, a seaside city in Orange County, was il centro of a rich and flourishing artist colony. All along the Pacific Coast, "en plair air" (in open air) artists were seen with their brushes and easels, depicting Laguna's coastline of coves, beaches and picturesque landscapes. Much has changed since those days.

Real estate prices have skyrocketed, forcing many artists to move elsewhere, and while shows such as MTV's Laguna Beach and the resort, the Montage, have ushered in a new era, there are still remnants of its artistic past and its vast physical beauty. Eye popping pink, red, and orange bougainvilleas can be seen along PCH, the water at the Crystal Cove Beach is just as turquoise, and The Pageant of the Masters comes every summer.

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Fonte: L'italo-Americano


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