Lecture: Italian Immigration to America (part II) at the NBICF Center

Apr 11, 2019 835

Sunday April 28, 2019, 2 pm. – Italian Cultural Center (ICC), 64 Brookwood Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 95404. $5 for Members, $7 for Non-members, Reservation deadline, April 23. Dr. Douglas KenningExplore the great wave of Italians and Eastern European Jews at the turn of the 20th century (the Ellis Island generation) and the Hispanic-Asian immigration of today.

The first shaped what America is now and the second is shaping the future. In this two-part lecture, we are looking at the moments when Italian immigration most shaped America. In the first part, last year, we looked at colonial America through Ellis Island arrivals. In Part II, we will focus on what happened after Ellis Island Italians arrived, their reception and impact, then carry the story into our own times.

SOURCE: North Bay Italian Cultural Foundation

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