Little Studio Films announces Fundraising Campaign for Debut American Movie by Italian Director Giacomo Arrigoni

Sep 24, 2015 998

Little Studio Films announces new film by Giacomo Arrigoni "The Rule of Lead: Golden Spirit"and launches IndieGoGo fundraiser. "The Rule of Lead: Golden Spirit" will be the American debut film from Italian director Giacomo Arrigoni.

Produced by Alexia Melocchi and Alexandra Yacovlef of Little Studio Films, it will be the remake of the director's first film, "La Regola del Piombo" which was shot in 2014. American jazz vocalist, songwriter, and actress Ariana Savalas, daughter of iconic actor Telly Savalas, the legendary TV Star of the "Kojak" series, who is currently on tour with Postmodern Jukebox will play the lead role of Lara. 

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