Marino Sichi: When America turned my Arcata family into Enemy Aliens

Feb 21, 2017 595

We all know Dec. 7, 1941 is a day that will "live in infamy." For me, there are two other such days. One is Feb. 2, 1942, when General John DeWitt persuaded President Franklin Delano Roosevelt to execute Executive Order 9066. This excluded all people of Japanese ancestry from sensitive areas near the Pacific Coast. Citizens included.

Also, it moved all persons of German or Italian citizenship from the same areas. Those of us who were not yet citizens were forced to move out of our homes and businesses. In our area it meant we could not live or work west of the Redwood Highway (now U.S. Highway 101), which at that time ran right through the center of Arcata and Eureka. That was G Street in Arcata. Furthermore, we could not be out of our homes between the hours of 8 p.m. until 6 a.m.

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