NapolixExpo 2015 – Art, Culture and Business to be showcased at Premier Los Angeles Event

Apr 23, 2015 1651

Keeping with its commitment to promoting Napoli in the US that began with Unite the Two Bays, Campania Felix to showcase NapolixExpo 2015 – Art, Culture & Business on April 28 at Los Angeles' 20 Italian Regions For Expo Milan 2015 ART, HI-TECH AND BEAUTY. EMOTIONS AND FLAVORS.

While the interest in Expo 2015 keeps growing, in the US are multiplying initiatives to showcase Italy to the potential US visitors that will be traveling to Milan during the months of the world fair. In particular after President Obama's reference to the expected success of the manifestation during the recent visit to Washington of Italy's Prime Minster Matteo Renzi.

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