Vicky Carabini knighted Cavaliere dell’Ordine della Stella d’Italia

Jun 01, 2021 1051

The Honorable Silvia Chiave, Consul General of Italy in Los Angeles, Knighted Vicky Carabini, Cavaliere dell’Ordine della Stella d’Italia (Knight of the Order of the Star of Italy) on behalf of Sergio Mattarella, President of Italy. This distinction is one of Italy’s highest honors for Italians abroad and is bestowed upon individuals who have distinguished themselves in philanthropy, community activism, research, and promoting relations between Italy and other countries.

‘As an Italian American, I have great pride in my heritage and am committed to working to promote Italian culture whenever and where ever I can.  I am honored to have received this prestigious title.  I know that my grandparents, who left the land they loved for a new life in America, would be extremely proud of this acheivement.’

Vicky was knighted along side of Clorinda Donato, Director of the Clorinda Donato Center for Global Romance Languages and Translation Studies, Marianna Gatto, Director of the Italian American Museum Los Angeles and Hilary Stern Executive Director, Fondazione Italia. Vicky is Chair of the Italian Studies Council at Chapman University, Ambassador to San Juan Capistrano’s Sister City; Capestrano, Italy, Board Member of the historic Mission San Juan Capistrano, Board Member of Mission Hospital, past Area Coordinator for National Italian American Foundation, and past president of the Italian Arts Council.

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