19th edition of the Week of the Italian Language in the World in Maryland

Oct 14, 2019 1244

To celebrate the 19th edition of the Week of the Italian Language in the World, that this year will focus on "Italian and the stage" (“L’Italiano e il palcoscenico”), our October Social Meeting will host Prof. Cicali from Georgetown University who will present a talk on “Languages of the Italian theater, from Venice to Naples”. October 20, 2019 at 3PM. Chevy Chase Village Hall – 5906 Connecticut Ave NW, Chevy Chase, MD 20815

Meanwhile, at 3:10, in the adjacent room, the little ones (4-12 yrs) will be entertained in a KIDS WORKSHOP on the Mimic Method. Actress Tiziana Risolo will engage children in Italian, translating if necessary. (Italian speaking teenagers are welcome to volunteer (gaining SSL hours). Light refreshments with Aperol Spritz and merenda for the children will follow.

The October Social Meeting is organized with the patronage of The Italian Cultural Institute, Washington DC.

At 2:30SHORT MOVIE SCREENING  “Florindo e Carlotta – La vita segreta delle chiocciole”  By Rossella Bergo (award-winning)

Find more information on our website
and RSVP atrsvp@italianculturalsociety.org by Friday October 18.

SOURCE: Italian Cultural Society

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