Alfred Grasso named man of the year by the Lido Civic Club of Washington D.C.

Dec 31, 2012 1373

The Lido Civic Club of Washington, DC is an Italian-American civic organization serving the Washington Metropolitan, founded in 1929, has selected Mr. Alfred Grasso as 2013 Man of the Year.

Mr. Grasso, Chief Executive Officer of Mitre Corporation and the Chairman of the Board of the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) International, is being recognized for his outstanding civic contributions to the community

This Gala Event will be held on January 12, 2013 at the Washington Capital Hilton.

The Lido Civic Club, civic and charitable programs include college scholarships to students in need of financial assistance as well as working with organizations such as the Salvation Army, Community Services for Autistic Adults and Children (CSAAC), the Aleethia Foundation Wounded Warriors rehabilitation program, and the Villa Rosa Nursing Home. 

The Lido Civic Club is steeped in tradition and service and has a long, diverse history. It has honored many of the most prominent leaders of Italian descent. Recent past honorees, friends and special guests include, Supreme Court Justices Antonin Scalia and Samuel Alito, Congresswoman Connie Morella, General Peter Pace, Dr. Joseph Gallo, Mario Andretti, Dan Tangherlini, Jack J. Valenti, Jane Salzano and Giuseppe Cecchi.

For more information, or, if you have any questions, please contact us [email protected].

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