An evening celebrating the contribution of Italian Americans to the success of the United States and solid relations with Italy, during which scholarships were awarded to deserving young Italian Americans.
This was the theme of the 34th edition of the National Education and Leadership Awards (NELA) Gala, organized yesterday in Washington DC by the Sons of Italy Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America (OSDIA) in the presence of Italian Ambassador Mariangela Zappia, Honorary Chair of the Gala, and the five figures of the Italian-American community who were awarded this year for their contribution to the community: Congressman Bill Pascrell, Co-Chair of the Italian American Congressional Delegation; actor Tony Lo Bianco; and leading figures in the U.S. business world, such as Anthony Naccarato, Jill Albertelli, and Augustin Tellez.
SOURCE: https://ambwashingtondc.esteri.it
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