Days of remembrance of the victims of the holocaust: “We have been separated”. Words and music from Auschwitz

Jan 14, 2020 875

Friday January 17, at 7PM. Georgetown University – Lohrfink Auditorium, Hariri Building West Road, Washington DC 20007. The Italian Cultural Society, in collaboration with US-Italy Global Affairs Forum and The Department of Italian of Georgetown University,  presents the duo Heartstrings performing words and music from Auschwitz “Ci hanno divisi” (“We have been separated” – In Italian with English surtitles).

The theatrical performance is preceded by brief video interviews and testimonials presented by journalist Antonella Ciancio. Ticket price: $13 ($10 for ICS members and Georgetown University students) To purchase your ticket please visit here:  Tickets need to be purchased in advance. For any questions, you can call the ICS at (301)215-7885 or contact

SOURCE: Italian Cultural Society

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