Elections of the General Council of Italians Abroad (CGIE)

Mar 28, 2022 890

On April 9, 2022, at the Embassy of Italy in Washington, will take place the work of the Country Assembly that will be called to elect the 2 territorial members for the United States on the occasion of the renewal of the General Council of Italians Abroad (CGIE). The CGIE is the representative body of the Italian communities abroad in all bodies that implement policies that affect the Italian communities abroad.

In accordance with the principles affirmed by articles 3 and 35 of the Constitution, the CGIE has the aim of promoting and facilitating the development of the living conditions of the Italian communities abroad and of their individual members, of strengthening the connection of these communities with the political, cultural, economic and social life of Italy, of ensuring the most effective protection of the rights of Italians abroad and of facilitating the maintenance of their cultural and linguistic identity, integration in the host societies and participation in the life of local communities, as well as facilitating the involvement of Italian communities residing in developing countries in development cooperation activities and collaboration in the development of commercial initiatives with ITA (Italian Trade Agency), chambers of commerce, industry, handicrafts and agriculture and other forms of Italian business associations as main partners.

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SOURCE: https://www.italyusa.org

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