Exhibit sheds new light on classic Italian mosaics

Sep 04, 2015 742

By Blake Oetting

As the new academic year begins, there will be countless opportunities to overstress, over think, and spend too much time with your head buried in work. Luckily enough, Swarthmore Libraries' first art installation of the year fits well into the beginning of the fall semester. Angela Lorenz, an artist based out of both Italy and Massachusetts, opens her exhibit Victorious Secret on campus next Thursday.

Sponsored by a diverse group of campus organizations ranging from the Office of the Title IX coordinator to the Classics department, Victorious Secret features three triptychs placed strategically across campus (McCabe Library, the Science Center and the top floor of the Matchbox) in order to catch students during their daily routine. Each location features three mosaics that are based on a series of ancient Roman mosaics, colloquially known as "the bikini girls", which depict elite female athletes living in Ancient Rome. 

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Source: http://swarthmorephoenix.com/

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