Festa Italiana of Vandergrift brings the pride

Aug 13, 2015 654

by R.A. Monti

Every year, the pressure mounts just a little more on John DiCola and the rest of the Festa Italiana di Vandergrift organizing committee. The festival, which begins at 10 a.m. Aug. 16 with a Catholic Mass, is known for bringing in big-name acts each year.

"People expect us to have big names," says DiCola, who heads up efforts to bring in entertainment for the 12-year-old festival. "In the past, we've had Julius La Rosa, Louis Prima Jr. and Al Martino. What makes it even harder is the fact that our charter mandates that we only have acts that are Italian in nature. "This year might be our biggest name yet." 

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Source: http://triblive.com/

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