Little Italy residents on 1979 audio

May 15, 2014 831

From 1978 through 1981, the Baltimore Neighborhood Heritage Project recorded and collected oral histories from longtime residents of seven Baltimore neighborhoods: Highlandtown, Hampden, Park Heights, Little Italy, South/OldWest/East Baltimore; and Port of Baltimore workers.

To name just a few interviewees: Schiavo, Vaccarino, Poggi, Mancuso, Molino, Esposito, Rossini and more! Click here to see the list of the 29 Little Italy residents and to click on an individual's name to view their interview sheets. Be sure to check the other lists as well (i.e., Highlandtown) since many Italians moved there from Little Italy.

The oral histories uncovered information about aspects and experiences of neighborhood life on topics such as immigration and adjustment to life, work, family and social life, housing conditions and changes in the neighborhood. The collection in written form, housed in Langsdale Library Special Collections of University of Baltimore, can be viewed online. Some interviews have been transcribed to text; some are displayed as interviewer's notes only. In any case, they are WONDERFUL to read!

"I wanted to thank you so much for coming across that interview of my
grandfather's!! It is really special hearing the stories he told and it brought
me lots of happy tears and smiles!!! Thank you." ~ Gina Piscopo

Source: Promotion Center for Little Italy, Baltimore

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