Miss Satine: Italian burlesque star delivers delizioso

Dec 22, 2015 1115

It's amazing the linguistic nuances one discovers when speaking with an Italian woman now living on the Canary Islands. The salty sounding word cugina, for instance, merely means cousin. Vampiro is easily recognizable as the nocturnal nemesis vampire. And guapa? That particular word is synonymous with belleza, beautiful, lovely.

But add a lustful look while delivering guapa as the salacious salutation, "GUAAAPAAH!" and you have the combination of an inferred wolf whistle and a line which may be understood as, "Wow Girl – Smoking Hot!". To the best of my knowledge, burlesque sensation Miss Satine is not my cugina. She has, however, portrayed a very sexy vampiro. 

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Source: http://baltimorepostexaminer.com/ 

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