Presepe Workshop for children with Luigi De Luca and Tamara D'Addieco this Sunday, November 15th

Nov 12, 2015 675

All children are invited to improve, paint and create additions to Luigi De Luca's traditional Presepe (crèche), that we usually display at our Christmas Party. This fun and unique opportunity will take place at the Friendship Heights Village Center, this Sunday, November 15th at 1:30. Tamara D'Addieco will also be there helping. Please RSVP to this email to reserve your place. We remind you that, afterwards, an Italian cartoon is waiting for you (Cattivissimo Me 2= Despicable Me 2) at 3:00pm. Visit our website for the complete program of the Social Meeting

For adults:
1:00 Movie: Quando sei nato non puoi più nasconderti
2:00 Conversation in Italian with one of the ILP Instructors
3:00 Metropolis - An Artists' book, by Prof. Romeo Segnan

Source: Italian Cultural Society of Washington DC

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