We Must Keep Schenley Park’s Statue of Columbus

May 06, 2024 562

BY: Basil M. Russo

On April 19, the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania ruled 7 to 0 to reinstate a lawsuit to prevent the removal of Pittsburgh’s Christopher Columbus statue from Schenley Park. The suit was filed by the Italian Sons and Daughters of America (ISDA), the largest Italian American fraternal association in Pennsylvania, founded in Pittsburgh in 1930.

The story of why in 1892 America began to celebrate Co­lum­bus Day, which sub­se­quently led to the cre­ation of Pitts­burgh’s Co­lum­bus statue and over 100 oth­ers through­out our coun­try, is a tragic ex­am­ple of the mis­treat­ment of im­mi­grants that needs to be told.

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SOURCE: https://orderisda.org

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