Italian American Cultural Society Hosts Diversity Luncheon

Dec 08, 2017 1546

BY: Sandra Tornberg

On Friday November 17, the IACS was proud to host the Macomb County Chamber of Commerce and OneMacomb for their Annual Diversity Luncheon.  Pam Lavers Deputy Macomb County County Executive, directs the efforts of OneMacomb, an initiative focused on making Macomb a more welcoming and inclusive community.  Pam shared that there are 116 languages spoken in Macomb County Schools, illustrating the level of cultural diversity in our county. 

The goals of OneMacomb are to promote multiculturalism, strengthen Macomb County’s economy, and to identify and implement best practices in recruiting, hiring, training employees and delivery of county services.  The special guest speaker was Dionardo Pizana, Diversity and Personnel Specialist from Michigan State University Extension Services. 

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