Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri: The American West through Italian Eyes

Mar 21, 2013 2492

The Director of the Italian Cultural Institute
Silvio Marchetti
is pleased to invite you to the exhibition:

"Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri: The American West through Italian Eyes"

Meet the Artist.

Serpieri is one of the leading European comics artist in U.S. This exhibition showcases Serpieriʼs love for images of the American West, that he consolidated with the creation of LʼHistoire du Far-West ("The Story of the West"), a series written in collaboration with Raffaele Ambrosio and published by Larousse.

Friday, March 22nd, 6 pm
Italian Cultural Institute
500 N Michigan Avenue, Suite 1450
Chicago, IL 60611

Light refreshments will be served. Reservations kindly suggested.
Please click here to see all of the Institute's upcoming events.

In collaboration with:
Scuola Internazionale di Comics. Digital and Figurative Arts Academy.

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