Sendik's family tracks lineage back 400 years, to be featured on 'Today'

Mar 29, 2019 821

BY: Coreen Zell

A Milwaukee father and son set out on a journey to learn as much as they can about their ancestors, with the help of NBC's " Today" show. Steve Balistreri's father and uncle started Sendik's. If you were part of the family, you likely paid your dues at at least one of those stores. 

"All of us, all of my brothers and sisters, we all worked there, my cousins. It sort of was a right of passage," Steve Balistreri said. With a strong family history in Milwaukee, Steve always was interested in his family roots. It wasn't until he was diagnosed with cancer in 2015 that he started to investigate. "You start thinking about your kids and, you know, what can you do for them if the worst would happen," Balistreri said.

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