75% In Favor of Proposed Hill Development

Nov 12, 2016 332

With Over 600 Surveys Taken We Have 75% In Favor of the Proposed Development. The Hill Neighborhood Association has been working hard to make sure your voice is heard. After overwhelming support at the last public meeting on the proposed development, we got to work designing a survey to get more feedback from a larger sampling of our community. The results were astonishing at 75% in favor of the latest proposal!!

The survey was set up so that the results can be categorized by any combination of groups and even by the way the surveys were taken. This allows us to easily verify the accuracy of the survey results. Any way we combine the results they stay consistently at 75% in support of the development. We are now asking you to join with the Hill Neighborhood Association and other community leaders who have supported this latest proposal and to make your voice heard (yet again)! *We ask that you click the link below to email Alderman Vollmer and let him know that you and your family are in support this development! 

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