DANTE 700: a series of events celebrating Dante Alighieri on the 700th anniversary of his death

Sep 30, 2021 695

DANTE 700 is a series of online events, presented by The Italian Cultural Center of Minneapolis / St. Paul, celebrating Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) on the 700th anniversary of his death. Everyone is encouraged to register for all the three events. However, each event will be independent and will be accessible even without attending the others. From 08 Oct 2021 6:00 PM to 04 Nov 2021 7:00 PM. IN ENGLISH - IN PERSON and ONLINE

Dante's Hell: Journey through Darkness and Ice. Friday, October 8th, 6:00-7:00 PM IN PERSON and ONLINE (In English). Join Susan Noakes, Professor and Chair, Department of French and Italian, University of Minnesota, to discuss why Dante choose a journey metaphor to ground his epic memoir?  We will examine low and high points on his trip from Florence through Hell to lay the ground for finding answers to this biographical and literary question. Click here to attend IN PERSON [Max. 12 participants] Click here to attend ONLINE

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SOURCE: https://www.theitalianculturalcenter.org

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