2013 Year of Italian Culture Symposium at Central Connecticut State University, October

Sep 24, 2013 2522

The Elihu Burritt Library and The Italian Resource Center at Central Connecticut State University present 2013 The Year of Italian Culture Symposium, from October 7, 15-16, 2013. 2013 The Year of Italian Culture in the United States is an initiative that promotes Italy and its rich history and culture.

Central Connecticut State University is a natural place to join the celebration because Connecticut has a very large Italian American community. The Elihu Burritt Library and the Italian Resource Center (IRC) have extensive holdings of materials that promote and support the teaching of Italian history and language. This symposium is the result of collaboration among the Burritt Library, the IRC, and professors of Italian History and Culture from various universities and colleges of the state.

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Source: http://www.italianamericanstudies.net

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