Cheryl Fiandaca Leaves Boston's WHDH

Jan 19, 2017 2575

Investigative reporter Cheryl Fiandaca has left Boston's WHDH 7, New England One has confirmed. Cheryl has been with WHDH, which recently lost its NBC affiliation, since January 2014. She is the latest on-air talent to leave WHDH, which has lost ten others over the last 18 months.

An award-winning broadcast journalist, Cheryl was most recently the Bureau Chief for the Boston Police Department's Bureau of Public Information. As the BPD spokesperson she was responsible for media relations and internal communication. She managed the flow of information during the Boston Marathon crisis using social media to communicate directly with the community and news organizations. During her tenure there, she won several social media awards and accolades for her use of social media.

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