East Haven Italian American Club Hosting Kick-Off Parade Celebration

Jun 24, 2015 912

by Brian Mccready

The East Haven Italian American Club and The Columbus Day Committee of Greater New Haven are Hosting a Kick-Off Parade Celebration Party on Sunday, July 12, 2015, 1 PM at the East Haven Italian American Club, (formally Weeping Willows), 509 Laurel Street, East Haven, CT.

Entertainment and Raffle Prizes. Food and Refreshments. $25.00 Advance Ticket, $30.00 at the door. For tickets, call Joanne 203-469-2927 or Paul 203-488-7571. Tickets also available at Mayor Maturo's Office. The Columbus Day Parade is on Sunday, October 11, 2015 at 1:00 PM in the Town of East Haven, CT.

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Source: http://patch.com/

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