The Little Italy Carnival in Portsmouth, NH

Jul 16, 2023 1016

Sunday, August 6, 2023; 11am to 4pm. Granite State Minerals - 227 Market Street, Portsmouth, NH. Please click here to reserve your ticket now, as the number of attendees is regulated. This is a free ticketed event. Step right up to a most vibrant and lively celebration—the Little Italy Carnival, where the spirit of festivity fills the air with laughter and cheer!

As part of Portsmouth’s 400th anniversary, the Little Italy Carnival pays homage to the spirit of the displaced residents of Portsmouth’s lost but not forgotten Little Italy. The feast portion this 400th anniversary Signature Event presents an opportunity to hear the oral history of the descendants of the Italian families who once called the North End their home their oral histories and connect with the rich heritage that still resonates within the community.

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