Milly Buonanno. American television on the Italian (small) screen - November 19, 2014 at 5:00 pm

Nov 18, 2014 625

Cinema and Media Studies and the Department of Italian Studies welcomes Milly Buonanno, Professor of Television Studies, Department of Communication and Social Research at La Sapienza University of Rome. This lecture examines the shifting relationship between Italian and American broadcasting, focusing on television drama.

American television has had a remarkable impact on television production and consumption in Italy as well as on the collective imagination of Italian viewers. In the 1950's, when Italian television was state controlled, American TV programs were not broadcast. In the mid-1970's after broadcasting had been liberalized, all this changed and American TV programs were welcomed with open arms. The high quantity of such products was not, however, matched by their quality, and it was only in the early 2000's that dramas originating from the US were able to gain in Italy the reputation for quality that had always been denied the 'popular' American programs.

Free and open to the public. This program is generously supported by the Wilson Fund. Co-sponsored by Cinema and Media Studies and the Department of Italian Studies.
Location: Pendleton West 212 Amphitheater Classroom, Wellesley College, Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts 02481


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