Mount Carmel preservation group still pushing historic district despite Diocese’s wishes

Jan 11, 2017 663

By Tom Quinn

The Mount Carmel Preservation Society will continue to push for the church's campus to be designated as a historic district, weeks after the Catholic Diocese of Worcester said they would be willing to delay demolition and talk about selling land to developers to raise money to save the building – promises contingent on the land not being designated a historic district.

In an online petition started Jan. 5 and in emails to City Councilors, MPS is asking the City Council to take the first step toward what could be a multi-month process by recommending a historic district. A vote to that effect was postponed on Dec. 20 after church and Diocese leaders – who have said there is not enough money currently or in future projections to make the repairs necessary to reopen the church – said in a meeting with MPS members and in front of the Council that they were exploring the possibility of working with the Worcester Business Development Corporation to find a developer to partner with. The ultimate goal would be to repair or replace the church building with the funds raised in this manner.

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