Preserve Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Worcester, Massachusetts

Mar 05, 2018 1309

BY: Mauro DePasquale

The Pastor Of Lady Of Loreto / Mount Carmel Church announces an order and a reminder to remove all items and personal plaques from the Recreation Center in preparation of the scheduled demolition on Mulberry St. Worcester. If your family made a contribution toward building the parish, the church or the Recreation building and if you wish to save engraved recognition names you can ask to save it for a fee.

What is to happen to the War Memorial? Will it be lost or thrown away like what is happening to the Italian Community that build Mount Carmel Parish and really all of Shrewsbury St.? Hopefully there will be a Public Hearing concerning the issuing of a permit to address this. Do you recognize any of names engraved in the War Memorial “Laurel Hill Hero’s”? Stand with our community to see.

Justice. It’s a historical Church and parish being removed and an entire COMMUNITY. Visit consider making a pledge or volunteer to help us save the Church.

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