Was New Haven's Columbus statue wrongly removed? State panel to decide

May 05, 2021 577

BY: Ben Lambert

The fate of the statue of Christopher Columbus that stood in Wooster Square Park is not yet settled. The state Freedom of Information Commission recently held an evidentiary hearing to review a complaint from Italian-American Heritage Group of New Haven LLC, which alleges the Board of Park Commissioners did not include an agenda item notifying the public that the body would vote on removing the statute on June 17, 2020, amend the agenda to include one, or appropriately disclose the matter in the meeting minutes.

The group wants the statue put back in the park. During the hearing, William Carone, acting director of the city Department of Parks, Recreation & Trees, testified that Board of Park Commissioners did not vote to remove the statue.

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SOURCE: https://www.nhregister.com

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