38th annual Bravo Italiano Festival Sept. 8, 9 will return to roots

Aug 31, 2023 396

BY: Chris Brock

The Bravo Italiano Festival of Watertown is returning to its roots this year, beginning with the dates of the event. The 38th annual festival is set for Sept. 8 and 9 at the Italian American Civic Association, 192 Bellew Ave. The festival is returning to its traditional dates of the weekend after Labor Day weekend.

The festival is usually held at the Watertown Fairgrounds Arena. But it’s often been moved to the Italian-American Civic Association at 192 Bellew Ave., such as between 2015-2017 when renovations at the arena forced the move. However, when ice began to go down at the arena in early September, the festival was moved to August, which has been when it’s been held for the past several years.

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SOURCE: https://www.nny360.com

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