BUON NATALE: Unexpected Stories Behind Beloved Holiday Traditions

Dec 04, 2020 718

Friday, December 4th • 7:00-9:00pm. Organized by Casa Belvedere. With Carla Gambescia. Registration is required. Once you register for a virtual event, you will receive an invitation to join the live zoom program the night before the event. Discover the surprising backstories behind some of our most cherished holiday traditions from Saint Nicholas (Babbo Natale) and the nativity to candy canes and Christmas lights.

We’ll explore how both the pagan and Christian magically merged into the holiday that we celebrate today as well as a few less familiar uniquely Italian customs such as the Epiphany and wearing red underwear!
Intrigued?!? Andiamo! Join us, and let’s celebrate Natale and Capodanno together. Award-winning author, lecturer and photographer, Carla Gambescia, will be our guide to the holiday festivities!

Each participant is entered to win a specialty Panettone with Pistachio, courtesy of Terra Foods

SOURCE: Casa Belvedere

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