Celebrating St. Joseph's Day in Sicily, A Presentation by Lou Barrella

Mar 02, 2015 1040

March 19 (Thursday) 6:30 pm
Celebrating St. Joseph's Day in Sicily, A Presentation by Lou Barrella

This DVD presentation will highlight both the sacred and secular ways that St.Joseph's Day is celebrated in Sicily. You will see simple and elaborate St. Joseph's tables as well as the food that makes the day so special. Music examples will go from the sublime to the ridiculous; and the poetic examples will demonstrate philosophical and humorous expression as well as the individuality of the Sicilian language.

It will also include the photography of Joseph Zarba, whose breathtaking pictures capture the scenic beauty of the land and endearing spirit of the people.
Sponsored by American Italian Cultural Roundtable.

Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimo at NYU
24 West 12th Street, Manhattan
Admission: free; open to the public
Contact: Cav. Uff. Aldo Mancusi 718-368-3993
[email protected]

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