A Conversation with Mimmo Lucano

Nov 15, 2019 1375

Tuesday, 11/26/2019 - 6:30pm. 22 W 12th St, New York, NY 10011. Presented in collaboration with BACAS - Borghi Antichi Cultura Arti e Scienze. Mimmo Lucano, former mayor of Riace, Calabria, in conversation with: Pietro Costa, Founder and Executive Creative Director, BACAS; Tiziana Rinaldi Castro, Creative Director of Literary Programs, BACAS; Teresa Fiore, Inserra Chair in Italian and Italian American Studies, Montclair University; Stefano Albertini, NYU.

An evening dedicated to ACCOGLIENZA, which the dictionary defines as the friendly and generous reception of guests, visitors, or strangers. To be welcoming and inclusive to others, especially those in need of home and place. As mayor of the Calabrian town of Riace between 2004 and 2018, Domenico "Mimmo" Lucano used accoglienza toward immigrants as a model, through the adaptive reuse of homes left abandoned by the decades-old exodus of its residents, who themselves migrated elsewhere, seeking work and better opportunities for themselves and their children.

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SOURCE: http://www.casaitaliananyu.org/

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