Excerpts from "La Cantata Dei Pastori" A Neapolitan Renaissance Christmas Concert

Dec 03, 2017 1187

December 15 (Friday) 7:30 pm. Italian American Museum - 155 Mulberry Street, Manhattan. Tickets and donations: $60, $75, $100, $150. Excerpts from "La Cantata Dei Pastori" A Neapolitan Renaissance Christmas Concert Special fund raising event featuring Alessandra Belloni Artistic Director & I Giullari Di Piazza, Italian Folk Music, Theatre and Dance.

Honoring our Supporters: Gr. Uff. Matilda Raffa Cuomo, Former First Lady of New York State and Founder of Mentoring USA; Uff. Joseph Sciame, President and Chair, Italian Heritage and Culture Committee of New York, Inc; and Carolyn Masone, Esq. Featuring La Befana (the Italian Christmas Witch), the Archangel Gabriel on stilts, and Pulcinella from the Italian Commedia dell'Arte. Food and refreshments will be served. Contact: Reservations and further information: [email protected] www.alessandrabelloni.com

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