I Giullari di Piazza to Perform "La Cantata Dei Pastori: A Neapolitan Renaissance Christmas Concert" at the Italian American Museum

Nov 20, 2015 428

La Cantata Dei Pastori was written by A. Perrucci in the 16th century and re-written and directed by Alessandra Belloni in 1984, with music composed and arranged by John T. La Barbera. La Cantata dei Pastorihas been a favorite in I Guillari's repertory for 20 years.

The evening includes: Food & refreshments, a raffle, a performance, and the honoring of those who have been our supporters throughout the years. Featuring the Neapolitan singer/actor Giuseppe de Falco in the role of Razzullo (the Pulcinella character at the center of the story); Alessandra Belloni as Mary; Mark Mindek as the Angel Gabriel on stilts; Max McGuire as la Befana; dancer Francesca Silvano; Wilson Montuori on guitar; and violinist Joe Deninzon as the devil.

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Source: Magna Grece


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