Italiani all'estero - Stati Uniti - la Joseph Petrosino Lodge invita gli Italo-Americani a festeggiare anniversario fondazione a Little Italy

May 30, 2013 1305

The Lt. Joseph Petrosino Lodge (Order of Sons of Italy in America) has been invited and involved in each of these events since their inception and we are co-sponsors in both of these Memorial Day celebrations.

•On Saturday, May 25, 2013 at 12 pm is the ribbon cutting ceremony commemorating the opening of the 2013 summer pedestrian mall in Little Italy.
•On Monday, May 27, 2013 at 3 pm is the outdoor mass and reading of the names of the veterans who served from Little Italy.

Order of Sons of Italy in America

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend both these events which take place at the Most Precious Blood courtyard, located at 109 Mulberry Street, New York, NY 10013.

The Lt. Joseph Petrosino Lodge, stationed in downtown Manhattan's Little Italy, was formed by John Fratta and Robert Fonte and celebrates its 13th anniversary this year. The Order Sons of Italy in America was formed in 1905 in the very same neighborhood. Current Lodge President is Emelise Aleandri. Visitors are always welcome to attend the monthly meetings in the church hall at 7 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month.

Fonte: Italian Network

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