Remembering the old country: DeBlasio honors fellow Sloper John Turturro at Italian heritage event

Oct 17, 2016 421

If Mayor DeBlasio can't go to Park Slope, Park Slope must come to Mayor DeBlasio. Hizzoner anointed Slope actor John Turturro the guest of honor at a Manhattan soiree celebrating Italian culture on Oct. 6, where the city's commander in chief hailed the Italian-American actor for his artistry in films such as "The Big Lebowski" and "Barton Fink."

"I'm going to help you to understand why I'm so thrilled to have John Turturro here with us," DeBlasio said before the crowd of elected officials and city bigwigs "It's not because John Turturro is a movie star. There are many movie stars. It's not just because he is a born and bred New Yorker who made it to the big time — and we're proud of him for that. It's because he is a true artist — that's what excites me."

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