3 bodies, coffin stolen from mausoleum at Italian Club Cemetery in Ybor

Jan 17, 2016 1582

Grave robbers struck a mausoleum at the Italian Club Cemetery in Ybor. Investigators said someone broke into one of the mausoleums and stole a coffin with three bodies inside. It is not known when the crime happened because the cemetery has little traffic. The stolen coffin contained the bodies of Carlos Spicola, who died in 1914, Maria Giuseppa Spicola, who died in 1913, and Giarolmo Spicola, who died in 1935.

Charlie Spicola, founder of the Tampa Rough Riders, says the mausoleum held the remains of his grandmother, grandfather, great grandfather and aunt. The grave robbers took his grandmother's skull and the remains of his aunt and great grandfather. The only tomb still intact is his grandfather's. Police said a second coffin was also broken into.

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Source: http://www.wflx.com/

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