For love of the game - free bocce lessons – learn from the best!

Jan 06, 2015 1037

As in cities and towns across the US, the ancient game of Bocce is trending big in Albuquerque. Joe Marchese, arguably the city's most avid and skilled player, stands ready to move it further forward. Beginning on Wednesday, January 14 at 1:00p Joe will be on hand at the North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center offering tips, tricks and techniques acquired over a lifetime of addiction to the game.

Joe played his first game of Bocce at age 5. Today, he's the youthful 80-something at the helm of the Italian Culture Club's monthly tournament at Haynes Park in Rio Rancho where, nine times out of ten, he smokes the competition and walks away with first place. Joe's current mission is to get the City of Albuquerque to build more Bocce courts, preferably two in one location to accommodate mini-tournaments like the one in Rio Rancho.

Meanwhile, opt for a late lunch break on Wednesdays and spend some of it with Joe who'll teach you everything he knows about how to be proficient at this fun, traditional Italian game. (Wednesday, January 14, 1:00p at North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, 7521 Carmel NE in Albuquerque.) Be there!

Source: Italy in New Mexico

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