‘We have a proud tradition’: After 100 years, Crewe of Columbus to celebrate its Mobile Mardi Gras roots

Feb 22, 2022 922

BY: John Sharp

When Neil Diamond’s “America” cues up inside the Mobile Civic Center, and the Crewe of Columbus marches out Friday for their 100th anniversary tableau, Terry Ankerson will be dancing right along with them. It’s a fellowship the 75-year-old retired banker from Mobile has been involved with since 1974. His family has been linked to the mystic society since its inception in 1921. According to Ankerson, one of his great uncles is a charter member.

The century celebration is set for Friday, after having been canceled because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Its theme is “Constellations Navigating by the Stars,” and the parade will feature 20 units – 19 floats, and the queen’s carriage. Ankerson will be riding on one of those decorative floats, for the 48th time, alongside a grandson. “In the Crewe, you’ll see three generations,” said Ankerson. “Grandaddies and sons. That has held us together for so many years. It’s a wonderful tradition.”



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SOURCE: https://www.al.com

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