Dr. Federico Faggin and His Life’s Work [Exclusive Documentary]

Jan 30, 2014 1230

by Mauro Battocchi

San Francisco Italy has showcased exclusive documentaries on leaders of the Italian community in the Bay Area like Lawrence Ferlinghetti and Angela Alioto. We continue now with Dr. Federico Faggin in this exclusive documentary created by Mauro Aprile Zannetti for the Italian Consulate in San Francisco.

Dr. Faggin begins with his early childhood fascination building model planes and recounts how that passion sparked his lifelong love of technology — and eventually lead to him inventing one of the most ubiquitous technologies in today's word: the microprocessor. It's a beautiful story that outlines one of Italy's greatest contributions to today's global technical landscape.

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Source: http://sanfranciscoitaly.com/

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