Raffaele Raia, the Neapolitan Barber and the Origins of the Legendary “No Chumbolone” Cap

Dec 29, 2023 770

BY: John Kass

Nobody wants to be thought of as stupid, an idiot…Or comme si dice what’s that word I’m looking for? Oh. Chumbolone. Ah yes, Chumbolone. Because no one wants to be a Chumbolone. No one. It’s worse than being thought to be a mook.

A Chicago cop named Anthony Doyle—whom prosecutors described as a muscled-up messenger boy/juice loan collector for the Chicago Outfit’s Chinatown crew boss Frankie Calabrese— was adamant about not being considered a Chumbolone. And it cost him. So eager was Doyle to be thought of as Not a Chumbolone, that he testified in federal court.

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SOURCE: https://johnkassnews.com

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