A master craftsman, part of Harvard Square’s fabric, to close

Nov 20, 2015 1297

By Eric Moskowitz

The suit John Kerry wore to accept the Democratic presidential nomination, the one he donned to walk his daughter down the aisle, and the blazer he grabs before every flight as secretary of state all came from the same place: not Brooks Brothers or Brioni but a little tailor shop above a grocer in Harvard Square.

Drew Faust walked up those same steps to Rizzo Tailor when she became president of Harvard eight years ago, and Julia Child in the 1980s, and Robert F. Kennedy as an undergrad back in 1947. It was an old-world refuge even then, an artisan's workshop crafting bespoke suits of subtle elegance, but also a neighborhood tailor dispensing alterations and advice.

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Source: https://www.bostonglobe.com/

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