Magazzino Italian Art by Miguel Quismondo

Mar 13, 2018 817

Its name may be the Italian word for warehouse, but Magazzino, a privately owned art gallery in the quaint Hudson Valley village of Cold Spring, New York, hardly brings to mind the steely austerity one might associate with the term. Composed of two low-slung rectilinear volumes connected by two fully glazed corridors, its architecture is understated, ethereal.

Yet the concept of a warehouse is central to the space’s identity—one of the structures, built in 1964, functioned for years as a storage facility for a computer manufacturer and, before that, as a distribution center for dairy products. The name alludes as well to the barren industrial spaces that were the backdrop of Arte Povera—the Italian movement of the 1960s and ’70s that celebrated unglamorous, everyday materials in defiance of commercialism in the art world—and Magazzino’s core content.

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