U.S. Lawyer Valerio Spinaci Launches Kickstarter Campaign for His Latest Venture, If Art Could Talk

May 14, 2013 3204

If Art Could Talk aspires to engage its audience through a humorous collection of "unusual paintings". In this digital age, new forms of artistic expression proliferate throughout the Internet and into nearly every aspect of our daily lives. Due to the expediency of the instant-gratification driven society, new and innovative stimuli are often prized over classical and traditional art. As a result, today's modern audience risks losing their connection to a rich artistic cultural heritage. The bastions of classical art have been rendered inaccessible and irrelevant compared to the multifaceted and immediate nature of Youtube, Instagram, and Twitter.

Valerio Spinaci rebuilds this artistic bridge between historical expression and modern appreciation through humor, with the goal to create a new way to make classical art more accessible to everybody.

In an effort to reach their goal, If Art Could Talk has launched a project on Kickstarter to raise awareness and funding that will in turn be used to ignite the initiative and put the artistic engine in motion. The first step of this process consists of a book that will contain a collection of 100 pieces drawn from the most famous paintings in the world. Each image will be featured in its original form, with historical information about the painting and the author, accompanied by a comedic "reinterpreted" version of it.

Thus far, the project has received many accolades and has caught the attention of a domestic and international audience. One of If Art Could Talk's largest supporters, a revered modern day renaissance man and an active force in the international arts patronage, Sultan Saeed Al Darmaki of Abu Dhabi, backed the Kickstarter project within 30 minutes of the project's public announcement. With the support of Kickstarter and the backers who will pledge to this project, If Art Could Talk aspires to become a landmark for those who seek comedy, art, educational benefit, or to learn something new. By backing this project, supporters will receive limited edition products in addition to a variety of original gift ideas, and the invaluable significance of supporting a good cause.

Kickstarter Page: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1152752974/if-art-could-talk

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